Order Awaiting Panel for Virtuemart

49.00  / year

Instant Order Awaiting Panel for Virtuemart

SKU: 000700 Categories: ,


This Joomla/VirtueMart component can turn your restaurant delivery process or delivery process in any form of company that follows similar steps into the organised conveyor belt.


LIVE PANEL DEMO, username/password: Guest/Guest , to trigger panel behavior order anything from here….


– Monitor instant changes / new incoming orders

– You can configure an unlimited number of users to have terminal access (You don’t need to give this users backend access)

– Each terminal can be configured to display orders of certain statuses

– Each terminal can be configured to have the capability of changing certain or all statuses of order

– On new order reception terminal can be configured to play sound

– On new order reception terminal can be configured to blink.

– Optimized for touchscreen

– ‘Full screen‘ button available

– Termal printer app for Windows 7+ included inside of package zip

– Control which users can change to what order statuses. For example employees in the kitchen can be allowed only to change status to “RAEDY_FOR_DELIVERY” OR “CANCEL”.

– Browser notifications are built-in


React immediately – you will get blinking and/or sound notification


This is a perfect tool to organize your production/delivery line.



BACKEND LINK: <your site url>/administrator/index.php?option=com_vmorderawaitingpanel

FRONTEND LINK: <your site url>/index.php?option=com_vmorderawaitingpanel